Brazos Valley Gives pays off for Friends
In an effort to raise the awareness of the Friends in the Brazos Valley area, we participated in the Brazos Valley Gives (BVG) Day for the first time on October 17, 2023. Over thirty people participated by donating through the BVG platform for the Friends, resulting in almost $1,500. Here is the list of Friends supporters through the BVG Day.
Funds raised through the BVG will be put toward the Friends Texas A&M Sesquicentennial Fund. This fund was established in April 2023 in anticipation of supporting the Libraries participation in University-wide Sesquicentennial activities through preservation projects, programming, and asset acquisition. The funding focus over the next three years is to grow the fund grow to $150,000. While donations are closed through the BVG platform, Friends and friends of Friends may still make donations directly to the Friends Texas A&M Sesquicentennial Fund.