Friends of the Texas A&M University Libraries Present Longevity Awards and the Opportunity Scholarship

Pamplin is a Library Specialist III in the Sterling C. Evans Library Annex.

“Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you the right one,” stated Neil Gaiman in appreciation of the skills of librarians.

The Library Longevity Awards is one way the Friends of the Texas A&M University Libraries support and recognize those operating facilities, maintaining the archives, assisting scholars, and preserving collections at the Libraries.  The Friends have funded over $30,000 in Longevity Awards since 2010, presenting the awards at the Library Recognition and Staff Appreciation event each May to library employees who have achieved milestone year markers in their time at the campus libraries.  In 2023, twenty-one award recipients were recognized for their service supporting and fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and excellence in the libraries.  

The Friends of the Libraries Opportunity Scholarship is another avenue in which we support the Texas A&M University Libraries and their employees.  The Opportunity Scholarship has been available for library staff or student employees who are either accepted at or enrolled in a library school since 1998. 

“I cannot fully express how thankful I am to the Friends for this scholarship,” wrote Kimberly Pamplin, the 2023 Opportunity Scholarship recipient.  “In my time here at the Evans Library, I have become deeply appreciative of this community’s encouragement towards growth and professional development. It is wonderful to feel the shared desire for success and excellence that permeates this institution and to know the support of so many along the way.” 


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Cushing Memorial Library and Archives 25th Anniversary